Sunday, May 1, 2011

life is more than just looking at the past and wish to change it

oooohhh dear has been ages since i last posted anything here..nearly 4 months... satu semester..patut la rase lama je...haha..
baru je habis sem was a tough semester tambah pulak dengan jadual exam yg sangat gap.. but alhamdulillah i made it..! berjaya menyelesaikan 1 semester..
sem ni terlalu banyak cerita..blok baru..bilik baru and obviously level baru..mula-mula rasa takut nak duduk kat bilik sebab tak kenal satu sama lain..but now i must admit that i will miss them..Ili,Imah and Mira..
we share almost everything together..and since then, i will always make myself free to have a good chat with u guys..cerita pasal apa apa yang jadi dalam satu hari..semua benda nak cerita kat korang..even though we only have a chance to stay together for one semester but i am still thankfull to Allah that He pick u guys to be my roommate.. we'd promised to keep in touch aite guys? please do..i swear i miss u guys so much already..especially u ili...i miss to have a fight with u..pukul pukul u..lawan lawan mulut dengan u..dengki dengan u..hahaha.. enuff of the roomies..the rest of the stories let us just keep it in the room...haha =P
study..?dear readers i seriously need ur pray for me to pass my finals..please do everyone..*tolong doakan saya sekarang*..muka paksa..hahah..serious,sem ni subjek sangat tough tapi salah sendiri jugak asyik main je....

iera punye cerita...

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